
Application Date has been extended. Kindly check.


Application Procedure

Payment Procedure

Application Form will be generated after successful verification of payment. Pay the application fee in the https://www.onlinesbi.sbi/sbicollect/icollecthome.htm?corpID=469266. Following steps are to be followed to pay the application fees of Rs 500 + applicable bank charges. If the system does not display your application form after 3-4 working days of payment, you are required to check your payment status. Fees once paid can not be refunded under any circumstances.

Steps for payment of Application fee
  1. Click the above link
  2. Select the check box and click "Proceed" button
  3. Select Payment Category as "Application fees for PhD Admission"
  4. Enter Application Reference Number and other details and press submit. The application reference number will be generated after successful submission of the online application form.
  5. Pay the fee and keep the payment receipt for future references and send a copyof payment receipt with the application form to the University.
  6. EXTENDED PAYMENT LAST DATE 26th February, 2024 (Application forms will be genarated on or after 27th February, 2024)
  7. Note: Complete the application procedure as soon as possible. Remember that payment will not be accepted after payment last date, in case of payment failure also.